WE NOW SHIP WORLDWIDE! See below for details
Ergopro offers free ground shipping within the continental USA on all orders over $75. We also offer expedited shipping methods for an additional charge.
Shipping Terms and Fees- USA & Canada:
Most items are shipped directly from our suppliers to you. While many
items ship within 1-5 business days of order, some take longer. Check individual product description for lead times.
Some items may arrive at different times due to location of shipping point.
Customers in Canada can order directly from our website. Shipping costs will be calculated in checkout. Ergopro is not responsible for any import tariffs, duties, VAT or any other government costs, taxes that may be applied upon arrival in Canada. Check your local authorities for details. NOTE: Some items are not available for shipment to Canada. These will be noted in the gray pricing box next to photos on individual product description pages.
Shipping & Delivery:
times vary depending on the product and the time we receive your order.
Please check the individual product for lead times.
On your order, please make sure you include a street address for shipping,
as we cannot ship to a post office box. Free shipping applies to
ground shipment within the continental U.S. only. If you require a
faster delivery, please select from the options in the checkout. Please
include a daytime phone with your order.
Sales Tax:
we are located in Colorado, we collect all applicable Colorado sales
tax on all orders shipped inside of Colorado. We are also required to collect a Nexus
tax for orders in some other states.
strongly urge you to consult with your medical adviser before, during
and after purchase in the event that you are experiencing any health or
medical concerns.
Shipping Terms and Fees- International (outside the USA & Canada)
International Shipping Powered by 
We have partnered with Bongo International to service our international customers.
Once you have created your shopping Cart, choose the “International
Customers…Click here to pay” button. You will be automatically
transferred to Bongo's Secure International Checkout page where you will
be provided with international shipping costs as well as duties and
taxes for your shipment.
Upon completion of your order, Bongo will charge your credit card for
the entire purchase. We will ship the goods to Bongo's Global
Distribution Facility where Bongo will process the order and transport
the goods to your international address. There are no additional fees
or registration processes with this service.
NOTE: All payment, shipping, or return requests should be submitted to Bongo at [email protected]